Saturday, January 24, 2009


Have u guys ever noticed when do girls especially speak in english??Its when they are angry or they are defending themselves..:)Ya its true..I have checked it with many girls..But i dont understand, why cant they speak in hindi that time???:)


PD said...

nice question..
but you ever think, why guys are talking in english when they are completly drunk.. :D
Many times I also planned like this to attend any interview.. no hesitation and fluent english.. what would you say?

Anurag said...

nice observation.. i think girls seem to think they get an edge over the other person when they start speaking in english.. just observe their expressions when someone replies back more fervently in eng as well :)

Pinku said...

Well..being a girl i think I can explain...learning english and being able to speak it fluently is associated with being modern is the thought of speaking back and defending ourselves...I think thats what makes english the defensive language for us.

do i make sense??

PD said...

मोहतरमा, मैं जितनी अच्छी और शुद्ध हिंदी बोल और लिख सकता हूं उतनी ही अच्छी अंग्रेजी पर भी मेरा अधिकार है.. सो आपका उअत्तर मुझे कुछ अनपच सा लग रहा है.. कुछ और विवरण देखर हमें समझायें, शायद मेरी छोटी बुद्धी में बात आ जाये.. ;)

मुझे बस इतना समझ में नहीं आया है कि आधुनिक होने और मैकाले का शिष्य होने में समानता कहां से आ गया? मतलब जो भी सूदूर अफ्रिका के जंगलों में रहने वाली प्रजातियां आजकल अंग्रेजों के साम्राज्यवाद के अधीन होने के बाद सिर्फ अंग्रेजी बोलती है वे सभी आधुनिक हैं? :)

Unknown said...

don know maybe u make sense...pinku..:)

Pooja said...

dat's so so so very true!!!

lolz... :D

i do d same!! ;)

Unknown said...

thanks pooja..finally some1 agreed...but why u girls do this way??

monsoon dreams said...

hmmm...people repent more if they talk in mother tongue when they abuse.bad words in english dont make u regret as much as with ur own mother tongue:-)am i right?

Unknown said...

@ monsoon-dreams...
if that the case i can say then girls r nore intelligent??:)